Monday, August 19, 2013

Cheddar cheese cookies

Since 19mo, I have started to serve home made cookies to my boy. Every two weeks, I will make a new batch. Then I will put them in two tupperware one touch airtight containers, one to place at nanny's place and one to keep at home. My boy loves this little treat. All the cookies that I made are of low sodium and low sugar, so I feel no guilty giving him few pieces at tea break or any other time when he asked for it.

 120g organic unbleached flour
 100g low sodium organic cheddar cheese(cut into small cubes, about 1inch3)
 50g organic unsalted butter(cut into small cubes, about 1inch3)
 2 to 3tbsp cold water

 1. Pulse all ingredients except cold water in food processor until they are mixed well.
 2. Add 1 tbsp cold water at a time, pulse until a slightly sticky dough is form.
 3. Keep in airtight container in fridge for about 15mins.
 4. Roll out to the thickness that you desire. Bear in mind that after bake it will increase 50% in thickness.
 5. Cut to desire shape with cookies cutter.

6. Bake in preheat oven, 160c for about 15 to 20 minutes.

If you don't have a food processor, you can mix them with hands. But you might need slightly more cold water. My first batch was done with hands, they turned out as tasty.

Recipe fills two 500ml container. My boy loves it so much that sometimes I have to hide the container. ^_^

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